Shogun Raiden, also known as Baal – the main deity of Inadzuma. Like other archons (Venta and Zhong Lee), it is primarily a support, but she is also able to cause significant damage. A distinctive feature specifically Baal is also a high -speed restoration of energy, coupled with increased damage of the entire team.
Reiden's strengths and weaknesses
- Impressive acceleration of energy restoration + strengthening damage from explosions of elements for the whole party.
- Very dynamic gameplay.
- Maybe a character of support and the main damager.
- Provides synergy and rapid rotation of all characters in the team.
- Attacks with a blade in Ult Baal do not work with Ulta Bay Dow (at the time of writing the article), which would potentially give incredible damage.
- Not a very high increase in damage to skilling from the level of pumping.
- Requires many resources for pumping and maximum efficiency.
Ryden's abilities
The main value of Baal is concentrated in ulta – we download it first. Next, we take the "Eshka": it will give a lot of damage, including passive. But the main attacks can be left untouched if you do not plan to make Baal the main damage: the characteristics of the main attack are not counted during the action of the ultimate.
The main attack is the source
The usual attack – Up to five fast strokes with a spear.
Charged attack – holds an attack up, for which a certain amount of endurance is spent.
Attack in the fall – rapidly falls to the ground, attacking all enemies in the way. Having landed, causes damage in the area.
Elemental skill – superiority: ominous sign
Baal inflicts electrical damage to the closest enemies, after which it gives all the surrounding members of the detachment The eye of a thunderstorm.
The eye of a thunderstorm
- When the characters with this strengthening attack and cause damage to the enemy, The eye of a thunderstorm holds a joint attack and inflicts electrical damage on the site of the enemy by area.
- The eye of a thunderstorm increases the damage of the character’s ultrasound depending on the energy value of his ult The eyes of a thunderstorm.
The eye of a thunderstorm can carry out only one joint attack on the detachment for 0.9 seconds. Joint attacks caused by characters that you are not controlled by you apply 20% of the usual damage.
Explosion of the elements (Ult) – Secret Art: Muso Sinsaetsu
Shogun Raiden holds an attack Muso but chitotati and inflicts electrical damage over the area, after which it uses for some time MUSO Vysin In battle. Damage caused by attacks Muso but chitotati And MUSO Vysin , increases depending on the number of levels spent when activating Determination Lust chakras.
MUSO Vysin
In this state, Baal uses his sword in battle, and its usual attacks, charged attacks and attacks in the fall receive infusion electrics that cannot be canceled by any other elemental infusion.
When these attacks hit the enemy, Ryden restores energy to all surrounding members of the detachment. Energy can be restored in this way only once per second, and this effect can be activated up to 5 times during the time of the skill.
In this state, the resistance of the BAAL interruption increases, and it receives immunity to damage from the reaction charged. When MUSO Vysin Active, damage to a conventional attack, a charged attack and attack in the fall will be considered damage from the ult. Skill effect MUSO Vysin It disappears when the shogun Baal leaves the battle.
Chakra of lust
When the surrounding members of the detachment (except Ryden itself) use the explosion of the elements (ulta), Baal accumulates levels Determination in proportion to the cost of the energy of these explosions of the elements. Determination can fold up to 60 times. Obtained with the help Lust chakras Determination will drop after 300 seconds. After the end of the battle.
Passive skills
- Countless dreams. When the surrounding members of the detachment receive elemental spheres or particles, Chakra of lust receives 2 levels of determination. Can occur only 1 time every 3 seconds.
- Enlightened. Each 1% over 100% of Ryden energy restoration increases the restoration of energy from MUSO SHOSIN by 0.6% and increases the bonus of electrical damage by 0.4%.
- The keeper of all things. With a rise in one -handed and shaft weapons, 50% less than a mora is spent.
The best constellations for Raiden
This item is intended for those who are ready to invest money in the game to recruit constellations from the characters. We’ll say right away that Raiden is an excellent heroine without constellations in general. But if you think about which banner to twist first of all: constellations or weapons, then the answer is unequivocal – constellations. Free 4* spear Catch (about him below) is great for Baal and is not so much inferior to 5* spear, designed specifically for her. Baal constellations are much more useful to increase its damage and efficiency.
C1 for Baal will greatly facilitate the accumulation Determination To strengthen her ulters. Unequivocal top in the ratio of price-quality. C2 will slightly increase our common damage, plus a pleasant bonus against the enemies of the "tanks". It makes sense to reach C3 too, t.To. This will give +3 levels to ulta – namely, from it we, as already mentioned, get the maximum benefit.
C4 is a simple buff for the force of attack after the end of the ultimate baal. But C6 gives an incredible advantage for the whole team. Attacking under the influence of ultrasa, Baal reduces the time of the ultraship time of all members of the detachment (except yourself) by a maximum of 5 seconds. This is taking into account the fact that she already incredibly quickly regenates their energy, acting as a “battery” for the whole team. So, it will be possible to create an almost endless rotation in which the heroes use their explosions of the elements one after another.
- Smart inscription. Chakra of lust Gaining Determination Even faster. When electrical characters use their explosion explosion Determination increases by 80%. Когда персонажи других элементальных типов используют свой взрыв стихии, получаемая решимость увеличивается на 20%.
- The destroyer steel. Attacks Muso but chitotati And MUSO Vysin skill Secret Art: Muso Sinsaetsu Ignore 60% of enemy protection.
- Sinkage of the past days. Increases the level of skill Secret Art: Muso Sinsaetsu At 3. Max. Ur.: 15.
- The oath of truth. When the condition MUSO Vysin skill Secret Art: Muso Sinsaetsu It ends, all the surrounding members of the detachment (except Baal) receive 30% bonus of attack force for 10 seconds.
- The descent of the shogun. Increases the level of skill Excellence: ominous sign At 3. Max. Ur.: 15.
- Keeper of desires. In condition MUSO Vysin skill Secret Art of Muso Sinsaetsu Ryden attacks, whose damage is considered the damage of the explosion of the elements, in case of hollow reduce the rollback time of the explosions of the elements of all the surrounding members of the detachment (except the shogun Baal) by 1 second. This effect can only be activated once every 1 second. up to 5 times during the condition MUSO Vysin.
How to play for Raiden (explanation of abilities)
There are a lot of text in the description of the BAAL abilities, and at first it scares a little, but we will try to explain more understandable.
"Eshka" is extremely simple: it inflicts good electrics in the region and gives an active character The eye of a thunderstorm, who attacks with the hero once every 0.9 seconds. This mechanics are similar to a similar effect.
But the “eye” gives another advantage: while it is active, the damage from the ulta of the active character increases in proportion to the cost of his ulta (for all the heroes it is different: 30-90 units of energy depending on the character). That is why it is profitable to take characters with expensive Ulta in the group with Baal: Sin Tsu, Xiang Lin, Eolu, etc.D. Already at the sixth level of the "Eshki" BAAL you will receive +21.6% to the damage of the hero’s ultra, if it or its ultraship costs 80 units of energy. But the cheaper explosions of the elements will receive a smaller bonus: for example, Ulta Jong Lee (it costs only 40) will receive only +10.8% to damage.
The duration of the “eyes” greatly exceeds the rollback of the “Eshki” Baal, so you will most likely constantly keep it active – just do not forget to throw “Eshka” every time you switch to Raiden.
Ulta Baal works in two stages. First, Raiden inflicts one electrical stroke on the area (with good artifacts and a pumped ultimate, the figure of damage from this blow can easily fly away for a mark of 100,000). Then she, armed with a blade instead of a spear, can start attacking from her hand – all this will also be electrical damage. Any damage caused during the validity period of the ultimate (7 seconds) will be considered damage from the ultra and intensify at the expense Determination. A Determination , In turn, it accumulates when you use the ultras of all other heroes in the team.
Attaching an attack by a blade, Baal restores energy to all members of the group. If you change it to another character, it will come out of the rack, and you will lose a lot of damage and energy for the group. That is, by clicking Ult Ryden, you do not need to instantly switch to the next hero – instead, start attacking the nearest enemy to fill your team with maximum energy.
The ideal rotation in the group with Ryden is this: we turn on the “Eshka” Baal, then in turn of the ultras of the other heroes, then we return to the baal, throw her ulta and all 7 seconds of action of the ultras of the enemies with ordinary or charged attacks to restore energy to the whole team. At the end of the ultra, we update the “Eshka” Baal, and by this moments the explosions of the elements of the other heroes are already charged and ready. Repeat to infinity.
To attack during the ulta Ryden is better like this: 3 ordinary + 1 charged attack (or make a breakthrough). Or, as an option, beat exclusively charged attacks – they cause a lot of damage, but quickly exhaust endurance. The fourth and fifth attacks in the usual series are quite long, so we recommend that they miss. You decide.
The best weapon for Raiden
Five -star spears
Any five WG Casino sister sites -star spear will be a good option for Raiden, but Shining harvest – definitely her signature weapon. A huge bonus to restore energy along with a high basic attack is excellently complemented by a liability. It will increase the force of attack by a percentage of energy recovery in excess of 100%, and in Baal this indicator will be very high: all skills and the top set of artifacts require its maximization. And after the ulta, the spear will also increase the restoration of energy by 12 seconds.
Homa's staff – Also excellent stats, but with the “Homa” there is a temptation to constantly play from the passive. It is activated if the hero (in our case, Raiden) less than 50% HP, which is risky enough. Plus, it is difficult to maintain this state of HP in groups with passive icing (for example, with SIA).
Jade kite – A lot of Crete. Chance, a very high basic attack and a beautiful passive to increase the power of attack. Speak easy to use.
If you are a happy owner The conqueror of the whirlwind , And in the team you have, for example, Jong Lee – be sure to test this spear for baal. Under the influence of the shield, it has almost the same efficiency as Hom's staff at HP below 50%, but there are much less risks. The main problem is that there are neither CRites nor the restoration of energy. Everything will have to be made from artifacts.
Four -star spears
Catch – a new spear and, perhaps, the best option of all 4* copies for BAAL, especially taking into account the fact that it is free (spear and wake -up materials can be obtained in the Association of the fishermen of the Inadzuma). Each of its characteristics is aimed at strengthening outgoing Baal damage. Here is the restoration of energy, and the bonus to the damage and the chance of Crete Ulta, and the base attack is not bad for four stars (510 at 90).
Deadly fight From a military pass will give a good increase in the chance of Crete and Bonus to damage both in the group of enemies and for single purposes. But his basic attack is lower, and in terms of efficiency for Baal, this spear surpasses the catch only at the maximum level of awakening. And in order to reach this point, you will have to remove additional copies of mortal battle from a military pass for almost six months (and this is not so profitable in comparison with the awakening of other weapons from there), so the priority is still behind the catch.
Montenegrin peak similar to the previous spear, only gives Crete. damage. And the passive is aimed at combating groups of small enemies, which, dying, will support you Buff to increase the power of attack. Not recommended for battles with single bosses.
Twinkle's spear Thanks to a high basic attack (565 at 90th level) and bonus bonus is perfectly suitable for baal. And the passive for the creation of particles after the Crete will be a pleasant bonus.
The best artifacts for Raiden
Definitely the best set for the heroine – The emblem of the dissected fate. It will give our archonta +20% of energy restoration and increase the damage from ulta by 25% of the digit of energy restoration.Try to gain about 200% of energy recovery – this will give +50% to damage from the ulta and will not greatly exceed the necessary threshold of energy restoration to the detriment of other stats. Keep in mind that the main attacks of the BAAL during the action of the ulters also receive a buff from this set, t.To. are considered damage from ulta.
All other sets look much weaker "Emblems" , But still, first of all, focus on the secondary characteristics of individual artifacts. It is always better to collect two half sets with excellent artifacts than a complete set with mediocre characteristics. Do not be discouraged if you do not have four good pieces of a new set – take 2x replacement The ceremony of the ancient nobility or 2x The loud roar of rage : it will be a simple and effective solution for baal. Be sure to pay attention to secondary stats!
Also consider that Raiden receives much more benefit from energy restoration than other characters, thanks to his second liabilities, which translates part. Energy to electrical damage. At the mark of 200% of Ryden energy recovery will receive +40% of electrical damage from the passive. And this means that with high energy restoration it makes sense to abandon the electric damage cup in favor of the Cup on % attack.
Attention! If you gain too much electric damage (at the same time and 200%. energy, and the cup for electric damage), this can reduce the damage per second compared to the build where the cup is selected on % of the attack. Remember that the electrical damage itself, which is multiplied by the above bonuses, is calculated based on an attack indicator. And if the attack is not enough, then the effectiveness of bonuses to electric damage, respectively, will decrease. And one more recommendation: if you are able to gain 200%. energy from weapons, set effect "Emblems" and side stats of artifacts, it is better to take hours on % attack, and not. energy. And only if you use hours on % of the attack, does it make sense to take the Cup for electrical damage.
- Watch to restore energy (up to 200%) /% of the attack, if you managed to collect 200%. energy from everything else.
- Cup on % attack / Electro Bonus (cm. paragraph above).
- Cap With Crete. Crete's damage or chance. It is advisable to maintain the balance of Crete. Chance and Crete. damage 1: 2, that is, 50% of Crete's chance, we need to collect 100% Crete. damage.
The best additional characteristics are in priority:
- energy recovery (up to 200%);
- Crete. Damage / Crete's chance;
- % attack.
The best partners for Raiden
Baal fits best into groups with energy -consumed ultraships, because this enhances its damage, and it, in turn, quickly restores energy for the explosions of the elements of the team. If you suffer from the fact that you cannot throw the ultras of the entire batch in the kuldown, Baal is definitely for you.
There is also a chance that now we do not see its complete potential, because many heroes are revealed with the time when new and new characters come out.
Eola. Very strong physical. Damager, which requires a large amount of energy to use the ult. And to her as a superconductor (electro + cryo), which reduces physical, as anyone else is useful to her. Resistance of opponents.
Cazuha / Sucrose. ANEMO characters are definitely suitable for the Raiden team if you are going to damage elemental reactions. Cazuha will increase the electrical damage caused by Baal, and help to pull the enemies together. Sakhakroza will give your team a lot of elements skill and also collect enemies in a heap for more comfortable damage.
Xiang Lin + Sin Tsu + Bennett . Ryden can be used in the variation of Chinese National Team (more about this in Gaid Syan Lin). It will greatly accelerate the restoration of energy to all members of the team, which will make it possible to collect more attacking characteristics on their artifacts: % attack, skill of elements (a very important stat in this team!), Crete. Chance or Crete. damage. Xiang Lin, as the main Damager, will use two passive sources of damage at once with his main attacks – the eyes of the Baal and Water blades Sin Tsu.
Tartalya . Raiden can be used in a team with Tartaly and Bay Dow instead of Fishl, even though Baal does not have synergia with Ulta Bay Dow. Mostly Ryden is needed to fill out a period of time after Tartalya realizes his “Eshka” near Ulta Bay Dow. This will give Tartalia's skills to roll back, and Baal will pour energy to everyone at this time.
Xiao. A good option: Ryden will help restore Xiao energy and give an additional source of damage. But the problem is that the duration of the ultimate Xiao is only 3 seconds shorter than the time of its rollback, and Ulta Baal takes as many as 7 seconds. Therefore, the breaks between the Ultes of the Xiao will become longer. This can reduce total damage per second, although it will save a place for the Xiao to more necessary than the restoration of energy, characteristics on artifacts.
Yoimi. Baal is well suited to activate the tags Golden radiance From the ulta of the Yimia. Throw the ulta of the Yimii, then Ult Ryden, and then stay on Baal and attack the enemy with a tag. There is a lot of damage, and the reaction of the overload will not really prevent damage to the radius of the baal attacks enough to get the enemies flying out in different directions.
Kujo Sarah. Obviously, Ryden looks good with his assistant, because Sarah has a very expensive Ula. This is a particularly profitable team for Sarah with C6: the full constellation will allow the “Eshka” Sarah to increase both the power of attack and the critical electrical damage baal.
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